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tracyp 03-22-2002 11:58 AM

1940 "Black Widow"
I guy on Auction Arms has a 1940 with black plastic grips and claims it's all original. I'll bet this happens alot. They replace the wornout walnut grips with plastic grips and call it a "Black Widow". Of course it's hard to have an original 1940 "Black Widow".

Frank 03-22-2002 12:04 PM

Exactly Correct!!! Ain't No such thing!! :|</strong><br /> </div>

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Lonnie Zimmerman 03-22-2002 12:23 PM

Re: 1940 "Black Widow"
1940 Mauser"s did come with black plastic grips, but not with plastic (black) magazine bottoms.


Thor 03-22-2002 12:25 PM

Re: Exactly Correct!!! Ain't No such thing!!
Actually there were some that have black plastic grips. Jan Still has a picture of his own personal one that also has the black Army type 4 magazine. I doubt if he would own one that wasnt original. These dont say "byf" but are identical in general appearance. ONLY 2% were done this way, so they are very rare. TRL page 71. Thor

The Shadow 03-22-2002 01:21 PM

1940 "Black Widow"
Well, Guys....Now that this has been posted, they will be popping up all over the place! Black plastic grips will migrate from that byf41 to the 1940 dates! [and prices will double]

The Shadow Knows!


Wm. "Pete" Ebbink 03-22-2002 01:24 PM

BW Grips On Auction Arms...|
A fellow is selling reportedly "real" repro, BW grips for $ 17.50/pr.

I guess the trick here is to know how to spot such "new" grips from the Mauser originals...

My Blue Book says the presence of orginal BW grips on a 2-digit "byf" can drive the price up another 20%...

Maybe thats why folks are buying those $ 17.50 grips...

John Sabato 03-22-2002 01:44 PM

I have seen the photographs of the repro grips for auction


TIMOTHY CANNEY 03-22-2002 02:00 PM

Re: 1940 "Black Widow"
Never can tell what will happen, can you? Stick to 1920 Commercials, no one wants to fake um! If there is $$$ to be made someone will make it at YOUR expence and never bat an eye, or have a bad dream, waking up in a cold sweat. It gets really sickening when people you trust, hose you! I guess it's really not their fault in this "Caveat Emptor, Sucker Be Ware, World". I guess $ has never been a reason for me to screw people, but mabey I'm clearly in the minority from recent posts. It makes me PUKE when it happens to a Veteran or his widow(I've seen it happen countless times and no longer keep my mouth shut when I see it at shows or even a dealers store) So what if they don't like it. In kindergarten a kid told me he did'nt like me....I got over it and no longer care. If fakery and deception lurks in your heart..... You will certainly get yours, sooner or later....I'll try my best to make sure you do!

This has nothing to do with the Shadow, I don't even know who he is?

he, he, he,(borrowed from the Shadow)

Till next time,

Timothy Canney

Hugh 03-22-2002 02:05 PM

Re: I have seen the photographs of the repro grips for auction
Right on John, I have a 41 byf "BW" & 42 byf "BW" and the original grips are hard & shiny.

Lonnie Zimmerman 03-22-2002 02:46 PM

Re: 1940 "Black Widow"
I have not seen faked BW grips that have the threaded places for the grip screws, YET!


Marvin 03-22-2002 04:10 PM

Re: 1940 "Black Widow"
The Repro BW grips I have seen would not fool the "blind pig finding an acorn"! The checkering actually appears to have been done by the "blind pig"! Seriously, the ones I have seen were NOT shiney, and the checkering was the worst I have ever seen. The points were not correct, the line spacing was bad and overrun each other, etc.

I am sure someone will come up with a nice set of repros soon and then it will be difficult to tell them apart from the original. Just keep an eye out for them.


bill m 03-22-2002 04:15 PM

No 1940 Black Plastic Grips

The black plastic grips did not come out until June of 1941 to the best of my knowledge, so anything before is a replacement. There were NO original black plastic grips issued with a 1940 Luger. No black plastic bases either, as they are all replacements when found with these models -- or have been added lately.

Mike T. 03-22-2002 05:38 PM

Re: Brown Widows
Didn't Kreighoff make a few Lugers with black plastic grips, or was it just brown ones?

Thor 03-22-2002 05:56 PM

Re: Brown Widows
First Kriegs had wood grips, then pre war models went to brown coarse and fine checkered plastic grips, then during the War they switched to black plastic grips. Salt blued Lugers with strawed parts, a very expensive variation.!! Thor

lugerholsterrepair 03-22-2002 07:24 PM

I wondered for some time how to tell the difference between real and fake so did some homework. The important items are not only the outside but the inside.The holes on the inside were threaded to hold the grip screws when the grips were off the pistol. Also used to remove the grips from the shallow mold when finished. Later they simply gouged them out with a sharp tool. So the grips have gouge marks in the center instead of threaded holes. Take a gander at Randall Gibsons excellent book, Krieghoff Parabellum. He has a nice page or two with photos and explinations of what is and what is not real. You will be amazed you did not read this sooner. These grips were manufactured in wartime Germany of petroleum and coal materials that really stink. You can smell an original pair of grips. They also crumble easily. Not that I would recomend this as a test but you need to know. Jerry Burney

JAMES 03-23-2002 03:24 AM

I agree with the crumble part. They seem weak and brittle, although mine are fine now. I keep them off the gun for safe keeping, I bought inexpensive walnut repos to keep on the gun. I like to shoot mine, it is not a collector, side plate does not match. I can't say much about the smell, I was cursed (or blessed?) with a horrible sense of smell.

Bart 03-23-2002 09:56 PM

Re: I have seen the photographs of the repro grips for auction
John, is there any chance that we could see a photo of your grips from the inside? I sure would like to compare them to my 1939 "42", which are hard and shiney, and compare favorably with the outside photos of yours. I think an "inside" shot of your grips would answer alot of questions.



John Sabato 03-25-2002 03:34 PM

I will post good clear scans of the inside of the grips this week.
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