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Unread 05-06-2023, 01:01 PM   #3
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Default Following ahead of my self!

Well, another sleepless night in the Hobbit Luger repair village!! Soooo, this morning, with calipers in hand, I went out to face my old nemisis, the dragon of ignorance! After a few minuted I decided that dimension difference couldn't be the issue, because even though there were variances, they were all well within the tolerances on the print, and identical to my few examples of original breechblocks! Soooo, I eliminated all the other possible culprits, extractor, firing pin,, ejector so it was just breechblock and feed ramp and any contact areas inbetween? I learned a long time ago that when trouble shooting, you need to eliminate variables, and focus on the task at hand, and so that's what I did! I turned my attention to the rim of the breechblock and decided that the inside part of the breechface rim was too sharp? So, out come the dremel with the most coarse polishing buff I could find and with that, polished the breechblock face enough to redius the sharp edge, but not change the dimensions overall.. To be truthfull, I didn't think it was the issue, but when I installed it into my test pistol, it worked great! So, they can be made to work? I might try to make a chamfer tool to just break the edge as I have quite a few of these problem child EG parts! But for now, we are aware and most of the elves are smiling...Hands are healing, and the next project is coming up! And then an afternoon of drum revision! best to all,'r....GT
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