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Unread 06-20-2001, 02:37 PM   #23
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Default Going back in time! :)

Marvin! I'm pretty sure we have covered some of the same trail! I have limited experience in thermo forming plastics, and a little more in thermo setting plastics, especially catalyst accellerated polyester and epoxy resins.....and I have also endured the smell of hot styrene when some projects have gone astray!! It is amazing how a mental visualization can bring back those unforgotten smells, or at least the thought of them.......the work they did in the first half of the 20th century was labor intensive indeed...I often think about the operators and the machines they had to use!! Another smell that I will never forget is buytelrate dope for airplane fabric, I think I can smell it if someone even mentions an airplane wing!! I'll bet Patrick can smell that one while reading this post! (Patrick restores aircraft!!) It certainly was a fun thread! till....later....G.T.

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