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Unread 06-19-2001, 08:49 PM   #6
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Default Hi John! :)

Hi John! The plot thickens!! the fact that the brown grips, that the screw does not fit in, has two threaded holes....would seem to support Marvins extraction theory, as what would be their purpose otherwise?.....the two threaded holes make even more sense, as they probably went to one hole, when they started reducing unnecessary steps in production! (make a hundred of something, and see how quick you start thinking this way!) I think that the screws fit the Mauser grips because the holes, thread, and material will yield enough to allow this....I am incline to believe that the threads were part of the molding process, as it would be difficult to remove the grips from the mold otherwise, all theory of course, but a great thread, none the less! till....later....G.T. (John, I wish I had even one set of HK grips to look at! your collection must be outstanding!)

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