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Unread 12-11-2004, 12:02 PM   #4
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Don, I believe you might find the following information of interest. I found it in Vol IV of Ltc. Thomas M. Johnson's book "Collecting the Edged Weapons of the Third Reich". The information was provided by the noted German pistol collector Reinhard Kornmayer who discovered a copy of 'Vorschriften fur die Polizei Preussens Nr. 40a. (Regulations for the Prussian Police No. 40a), dated 1932 and dealing with administrative weapons regulations. Among the rules is found a section dealing with official police property markings.
e) Markings of Weapons, related equipment and bicycles:
42. Markings will be applied to all weapons, related equipment and bicycles of the municipal police, the detective force and the rural constabulary....

43....Application of markings is to be effected locally on occasion of routine weapon inspections, through the proper technical officer.

44.Markings will consist of letters and of Latin and/or Aribic numerals.

LETTERS indicate property of a municipal police department....,A detective police force or a rural constabulary unit within a particular Administrative District (including Greater Berlin), or of a police or constabulary academy.

ROMAN NUMERALS indicate police duty locations.

ARABIC NUMERALS indicate weapons issue numbers.

Governors of the Admisnistrtive Districts will allocate Roman numerals for police duty locations only when more than one exists in the respective district.
(Appendix 10 will list letter codes of the Administrative Districts)

45. Weapons, etc. will recieve consecutive numbers for each municipal police location, or each police academy, or rural constabulary and their academies with in the jurisdiction of each Administration District. (See Appendix 11 for placement of markings)

46. (ommitted-refers to bayonets)

47. Examples:
"S.Br.1.365" stamped on a Mod.98 carbine: weapon of the municipal police(S=SchutzpoliZei/Municipal police) of Administrative District Breslau (Br.), belonging to municipal police duty location 1, as designated by the Administrative Governor; weapon number 365.

"L.Br.63." on a Luger pistol: handgun of the rural constabulary (L.=Landjageri/rural constabulary) of Acministrative District Breslau (Br.); weapon number 63."

The document goes on with discussion of edged weapons. Of greater intrest is the contents of Appendix 10 to paragraph number 44 which is a listing of the numbers and designations of the various districts, 55 in all. I won't list all of them here but will provide individual information if anyone needs it. Relevant to this discussion I find that the letter H. is present and represents entry #22 Administrative District of Hannover. Entry #39 representing the Senior Police School is HP. All letters are consecutive and none have a period between them, only at the end. Perhaps this will be of some help to you and your detailed research.
Utah, where gun control means a steady trigger pull
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