Thread: My 3 Shooters
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Unread 07-30-2002, 07:53 PM   #17
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The 7.65 mm Parabellum offers high velocity, low recoil, accuracy, and more moxi on delivery than a 22 LR or 22 Mag. It will do anything the 32 Mag will do and probably more. There is a lot of small game that a 22 just won't do the job on. I used to depend on my 30 Luger for jackrabbits, a 22 won't put them down, much tougher than a cottontail. I expect those who need an armidillo stopper would find the same. It feeds better than a 9 mm and will handle a greater range of bullet styles. Would you believe I used to run semi-wadcutters and full wadcutters in one? Properly loaded it has more velocity and a flatter trajectory than the 9 mm.

Prior to WWII the 7.65 was more popular than the 9 mm and with a long barrel was considered to be something of an outdoorsman's pistol. This is why we see so many M1920 commercials in 7.65. The Versaille treaty did not prohibit the 9 mm in export pistols. It was also well regarded for a finishing off pistol as it had a lot of penetration on thick skulls.
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