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Unread 03-02-2003, 02:05 AM   #37
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Hello All,
I was just thinking that maybe we are looking at this the wrong way. Suppose that the witness mark is not for the realignment of the barrel to
receiver but is a proof "manufacturing mark" to show that the barrel and receiver have passed a tolerance stage in production and can go to the next step before the gun is finished. (IE. head space,fitting, etc.) If the mark is for product control than I can see that the mark can be hand struck. (I still think is isÃ?Â*odd to hand mark).
If the witness mark is for removing the barrel for more work to be done, why not put the gun in a cradle and use a machine to make the mark as hand marking can make errors? It was said that blank barrels have no mark and that most of the contract HK lugers did not have the marks also.
Can it be the contract HK just did not do this to save time? or maybe they had new machines that made the adjustments and the step was dropped as a cost cutting procedure.(we do this all the time where I work).

I will admit that I know very little about gun manufacturing, but to mount the barrel,remove the barrel, finish out milling on barrel, remount barrel again would be cost prohibitive in a mass production firearm. In a custom made gun or special order this might not be to bad, but still very unproductive in manpower and time.

Just me thinking out loud...
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'If you want peace,prepare for war'
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