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Unread 04-02-2003, 09:35 PM   #6
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As a kid in middle Georgia growing up in the late '40's and early '50's, I had a next door neighbor named John Crandal, who was a Colonel in the Air Force Reserve, (at the time). Mr. Crandall had a Luger and it was widely known through out the neighborhood that Mr. Crandall had lots of III Reich "trophies" as Mr. Crandall had been an Army Air Corps supply officer.

Well, one day, while out playing with my mates and my dog, Mr. Crandall arrived in his big Buick convertible. I said hello and sheepishly asked if it were true that he had a Luger.
he replied that he did. He asked if I would like to see it.

No surprise answer there.

He took me into his garage to a padlocked cabinet, opened it and produced a holster, that in my mind's eye some nearly fifty years later, was the color of cigarette tobacco.

He handed it to me and said, "Open it."

I unbuckled the holster strap and there was this beautiful thing of wood and steel peeking out.

Mr. Crandall said, "Let me show it to you." and took the holster from my kid hands and in doing so, began removing the pistol.

"Look at this, Tommy. This is the monogram of the German General I took this pistol from!"
Of course I believed that for many years.

That was a wonderful, innocent and naive time when Luger's were under $40 and Colt M1911's were about $25.

A memory, FWIW,
Good Night, Mr. Crandall, where ever you may be.
Tom A.
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