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Unread 07-05-2002, 08:49 AM   #10
Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Hi guys,

There's a terrible economic crisis down here and there's not much hope of a better future. Years ago, it irresponsably looked much better and promising while we had our little fun we were terminally undermining our economy.

Rest assured that if, or more likely when, i get my paws on my very own Luger, i'll take good care of it and any job done on it will not be of the "sinksmith" kind. To the best of my knowledge, i'll get someone with an established reputation to work on my gun.

In past years i've aquired a humble collection of HK handguns and payed local prices for them. Local prices being normally almost twice what you regularly pay for the same gun in the US. For those familiar with it, i bought a Mark 23 (the civilian version of the USOCOM) for U$D 3.150. Yes, OUCH!
This here little proyect will be a little more difficult, considering that my income has shrunk from 3 grand a month to an unsteady U$D 250 and i have a family to care for. I waited very patiently until i could afford the Mark 23, i'll do the same for the Luger. In the meantime, i'll sit here in the dark and keep on learning.

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