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Unread 07-17-2003, 01:22 PM   #2
John Sabato
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This could be one or more of several things... the first thing to look at is if the round that gets chambered (the second one) has a firing pin dimple on the primer... not like a fired cartridge... but just a dimple like the firing pin was resting on the primer...

If it does not, then it is likely that the gun is cocked, but the trigger linkage isn't tripping the sear...

Make sure the sideplate is clean and lubricated, and that the trigger lever (the L-shaped piece has complete freedom of movement... and that the sideplate is properly installed. Make sure that the spring loaded pin on the end of the sear that gets depressed by the trigger lever is also clean and lubed and has freedom of movement.

Does the gun **** it you fire a round without a magazine inserted? and then you can dry fire it?

Give me some more detail and I will help you through this...
regards, -John S

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