Thread: New Section....
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Unread 09-20-2002, 10:40 AM   #30
John Sabato
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For those of you who tried the new Member Gallery created by John D. Let me tell you that the folks who wrote the software that he used have released a remote client that will allow you to communicate with albums that you have created and will allow you to upload new graphics to your albums by simply dragging and dropping the files like you do when copying them locally.

The client "gallery remote" works like a champ. I downloaded the large version 12 MB, but there is a small version 2.5 MB that will work if you already have a JAVA Virtual Machine (JVM) loaded on your system.

If you are not sure, it is recommended that you download the large version, but no harm done trying the smaller version first... if it doesn't work then download and install the big one.

Here is the URL for the download:
Gallery Remote Download Link

Good Luck... Let see more of them galleries!
regards, -John S

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