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Unread 06-24-2002, 11:00 PM   #9
John D.
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You did the right thing. If you feel it was necessary to delete the thread - then it was the right thing to do. For that, you have my appreciation and support.

I just logged in after several days of being entertained by real business and work - and in reading this thread and replies, I would ask that anyone who feels they can do a better job at moderating to please step forward. You see - in the simplest terms - it is easy to cast stones at something you disagree with - BUT it is entirely *different* to moderate a Forum and make a decision that may not "suit all". In fact there are some folks who were fairly adamant about putting in new forums - but, when asked to "moderate them" - they stepped away quickly. I wonder why?

Simply - moderating a Forum isn't easy. It doesn't come with an "instruction manual". It doesn't come from years of experience. Rather - judgment comes from a feeling from what is right and what isn't.

Pete, thanks for your decision. And thanks for standing up for what you believe are the right things to do. And thanks for stepping up to a thankless job of moderating a Forum. I wish there were more like you.

As for me ? Pete, you did the right thing.
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