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Unread 06-24-2002, 03:27 PM   #8
John Sabato
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I think it would be a good time for all who participated in the "deleted" thread to review the forum decorum document regarding behavior in these discussion forums and to objectively evaluate if you violated any facet of the rules for participation here.

A forum moderator has FULL authority to edit, lock, or even pull the plug on any thread that he/she feels poses a threat to either a member, a moderator, or this forum.

With that authority comes the responsibility to use good judgement in the exercise of the authority. That is exactly what happened here, and the moderator is to be commended for his actions.

The use of these forums is not a public right, but rather a privilege extended to those who have acknowledged that they know what the rules are, and that they accept enforcement of the rules by the management of this board. First amendment rights do NOT extend to private forums where membership is dependent upon compliance to the rules.

There can be any level of a difference of opinion on any side of an issue as long as there are no flames, or harrassment of any user. These behaviors will not be tolerated on this forum, nor will such behavior be tolerated outside of this forum if you desire to retain your membership privileges here... Evidence of harrassment via email or phone to any member of the forum by another member of the forum will be regarded as a violation of the terms and conditions for use of the forum and the guilty party will will have their posting privileges revoked.

If anyone has any questions about the terms and conditions for the use of the forums, or what behavior is or is not permitted, you may contact me or any moderator or adminstrator privately.

Play nice folks... I doubt there are many here who would enjoy banishment. There is too much fun to be had here and too much to learn to be kept out in the cold...

regards, -John S

"...We hold these truths to be self-evident that ALL men are created EQUAL and are endowed by their Creator with certain UNALIENABLE rights, and among these are life, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of happiness..."
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