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Unread 06-24-2002, 02:05 AM   #6
Lodi Jim
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Pete - As the buyer and one who posted the photo that started this mess, I have no problem re-posting this thread. I originally asked that it be ended after someone sent a private email to let me know that he had figured out who the seller was. There were also private emails going on which seemed counter productive to the issue at hand. If the gun proved to be something other than advertised, it was something that the seller and I would have to resolve and nothing would be accomplished by airing that publicly.

It appears from recent postings, the seller was correct, I was wrong. The only thing I dislike more than eating crow is giving apologies â?? but I owe the seller both.

If anything positive can come out of this is the knowledge that we all need to move more cautiously when critiquing a gun. A challenge to the authenticity of a gun carries with it a challenge to a sellerâ??s integrity.

One final thought, last week someone mentioned trading this gun back to the seller for another. My response was â??that regardless of all of this, it will remain in my collection and Iâ??ll love it â?? crooked sun and all!â? I have grown quite fond of this Swiss Navy!
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