Hello All,
Thanks so much for all this good info. regarding a 1902 Fat Barrel Swiss.
1. I believe the R. Shattuck luger is serial # 22049.
2. As Johnny Peppers rightly pointed out, this gun is well photographed in Fred A. Datig's Monograph IV: The Swiss Variations 1897-1947 (1992 edition), on page 74. I think the black & white photos show both a swiss cross on the left side of the barrel as well as another swiss cross and the Vogelsang proof both on the left side of the receiver, in front of the trigger side plate.
The text on page 73 of the Datig book reads as : "An extremely scarce specimen is the pistol illustrated on page 74. Made by DWM circa 1903, it is a typicaly early commerical pistol for the Swiss market but unusual in that is has the thick 9mm barrel, a Model 1902. Despite its commericial-range serial nubmer, 22049, it could have been sent to Switzerland as a test sample of the then newly introduced caliber 9mm. "
3. Jan C. Still's previous post directing me to Bobba's book on page 122-123 does not seem relevant to my question regarding this 1902 Swiss Fat Barrel. The Bobba text on page 122-123 is discussing some "Abercrombie & Fitch - Made in Switzerland" and the issue of one-line versus two-line barrel inscriptions. Bobba asserts the two-line variations are fake and mentions Ralph Shattuck has/had one. There is no discussion about a Swiss Fat Barrel.
4. Finally in Jan C. Still's, Imperial Lugers and Their Accessories (1991), on page 11; this same Swiss Fat Barrel, serial # 22049 is listed, with only one (1) piece reported and the estimated production number column left "blank".
I also enclose Mr. Still's recent quote regarding the 1914 "q" Erfurt of a day or two ago :
"As to the accuracy of my serial number data base published in Imperial Lugers(1991). I consider this an accurate-correct data base. Although it has not been updated, it has not been tainted with the resent surge of boosted and faked Lugers."
Mr. Still; have you changed your mind about this 1902 Swiss Fat Barrel ?