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Unread 05-09-2001, 06:59 PM   #14
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Default Re: Rear Connecting Pin

Hi Bill,

That's OK, my friend, I'm not out to sway anyone's opinion - I'm just reporting my observations

Regarding whether this makes any sense or not, it really doesn't have to "make sense". The original factory records are lost and we quite truthfully don't what the factories did or did not do. Without that knowledge we have insufficient information to make any reasonable assessment or what "makes sense." We are simply speculating and having a good time doing so.

I'm sure you have been at this as long as I have, and are well aware that much of today's firm knowledge concerning Lugers may well be revealed in the years to come as nothing more than myths that made sense based on limited knowledge and leaps of faith. That's the way Luger collecting has gone for the last hundred years and is likely the way it will go for the next hundred years. It's the nature of the beast :-(

With all that said, I also have to say (with respect and absolutely no offense intended) that I think you are indulging in a bit of circular reasoning here. Specifically;

No Imperial Luger has a numbered pin.

If an Imperial Luger has a numbered pin, it has been messed with.

We know it's been messed with because we know no Imperial Luger has a numbered pin.

I examined the Luger in question, and all the associated documents carefully and in detail. I saw no indication it had been altered in any respect. You may accept that or not, as you please. It's not like there isn't room here for more than one opinion on the subject

Best regards,


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