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Unread 12-19-2002, 12:02 PM   #3
John Sabato
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I notice that he is much to busy to post photographs... for the EXTRUDED STEEL MAG described by him:

[quote]As the whole world knows, and now Ebay, this is an eight cartridge capacity extruded steel magazine in breathtakingly good condition. There are no little birds on it anywhere, the base appears to be black plastic, and the magazine spring re-asserts itself with frigtening power. This may well be one of the 'sterile' magazines which equipped the German 'Brandenburghers' during their attempt to secure the Lower Moldavia oil fields in 1946. Apparently their mission was so secret that they were not told the war was over! Another untold chapter in the Parabellums' saga of service!! Anyway, there are no markings on it, the mag plug/ bottom is black plastic (yes,again) with 'bulleyes' on both sides. This is a nice magazine please do not let it escape your knowledgable clutches, buy now!!!!No time for a photo, it really is a goodie, trust me! <hr></blockquote>

I don't think I would trust this description and send my money even if he promised to pay the shipping in both directions if you are not satisfied... [img]eek.gif[/img]
regards, -John S

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