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Unread 09-27-2004, 03:48 PM   #4
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John, thank you for the excellent photo essay you have provided us. I apologize for not responding and thanking you earlier for this. I have not had the opportunity to check the forum out for a couple of days due to some family business that needed to be taken care of.

Now for some questions using the letter G as an example. Taking a look at the photos #5 and #6 (top to bottom) the G on photo #6 appears to be a bit more rounded at the top than the G on photo #5 which appears to be squared off.

Would you say that the rounding of the G is cause by much use of the stamp? Wear and tear of the stamp.

Were the stamps a bit more rounded at the base of the stamp than the leading edge (first part to strike metal)which makes it look a bit different.?

Or could it possilbly be that it is another stamp that had the more rounded G used on photo #6?

The rest of the letters appear to match fairly well but the G has me puzzled.

I can not wait to get home tonight and take a look at the font and it's appearance and compare it to what you have shown us.

Thanks again. This is really cool.


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