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Unread 05-02-2003, 10:11 PM   #9
John D.
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(Sorry for the delayed reply - but just got home - and I've been waiting to see this forum ALL DAY!!! )



What I was wondering (and why I asked) - under the grips, RH Side - if you had an "A" or "G" or star (4/5). I have seen a two with a "7" as well.... The "7" appears at the read top left on the RH side - or on the flat near the grip screw.

Also - it's not uncommon to see most with an unmarked mag - or with a mag with the "P". As well. These CAN be off by a few digets - if marked....

The Left/forward of the breechblock were marked several ways - horizontal or vertical. Yours is the more common type - which is interesting as well...

Barrel stamps are excellent - Crown N over the LwAa2 stamp - correct orientation.... Excellent...


Inscription - outstanding. Correct "a" "f" and "e". Spacing is correct on the "Suhl" and the line up of the "S" - and the "l" is just short of the "r" down-drop just above... Yes - it is an original.

Price??? Hmmm - in the US...??? Low - $5800 in an 85%. Recent high - $7800 - almost as nice as yours....

Couple of notes - LH Toggle ear? Is that wear or blue - or the photo? Toggle chain - yep - that's late production of the run (you have a higher serial # - which makes sense...)...

Top of the toggle ears are correct as well - should be a "plum"... Yours are

Anyway - these are my first thoughts - simply off the top of my head... Let me spend some time tomorrow going through the pics in some detail - and your points, OK???

Murray - simply OUTSTANDING!!!!
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