Running into the thread again made me pull out my copy of Gibson and page through it. I ran into a couple of pertinent items.
On p. 140 Gibson specifically addresses side-frame inscribed DWM Commercial reworks. He notes that authentic inscriptions are stamped, and fakes are usually engraved. Frankly, the example you have linked to looks engraved to me, the letters lack the uniformity one expects from a stamped inscription.
Even more telling though, in the same section, he notes that there are so many fake sideframe stamped DWM Commercial reworks that, " is questionable whether legitimate examples even exist."
On p. 143 Gibson directly addresses the vertical/lazy c/N issue. He illustrates a gun with a vertical c/N on the receiver, and another with a lazy receiver c/N and a lazy c/N frame rail stamp directly below it. The caption states that, when the receivers are stamped in the DWM fashion, that is upright, there will be no frame stamp. When the receiver is stamped Krieghoff fashion, lazy c/N, it is accompanied by a lazy c/N on the frame.