Thread: Death Head
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Unread 08-10-2002, 02:50 PM   #30
Orv Reichert
Join Date: Jun 2002
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There is a reason you are suddently seeing 'Death Head' lugers.

I posted this some months back to the P38 forum.. I think it is appropriate [now] to post it here.

I received this info from a foreign collector who got it from an importer and forwarded it to me. I have removed some names to protect the guilty and this site [from the lawyers]
The guns your friend refers to are brought in to the USA by XXX, from their British company "XXXXXXX" (The owner is an old friend of mine.)

The guns actually come from the former Yugoslavia, and are arsenal refinished there. They also sell them through XXXXXXX in Germany to other parts of the world.

Your friend should be a little cautious
as those boys can make anything "rare." I saw their efforts when they produced several hundred SS "death camp" Mausers.

The stamps they use to make the stuff [look] authentic are made in Birmingham, England. The place that makes them does a great trade in C broad arrow and British broad arrow stamps

So, now you know!

Orv Reichert
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