Thread: Infraction
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Unread 04-13-2024, 07:02 PM   #22
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In all fairness to Ed and Gerben, and the others, the mods have a tough enough job as it is without anyone trying to give them a hard time.

And in fairness to you, Keith/big open/Lefthand Thunder/Big Coulee/or whatever your handle of the month is this time, you have a habit of hijacking others’ threads and a habit of playing the drama queen and hapless victim you’re called out for your behavior. It’s a small world and most of us already know you and your behavior from other sites; it’s not like you aren’t aware of what you’re doing.

As far as the infraction goes, just about everyone here has gotten an infraction over the years. Move forward. Build a bridge and get over it. And in the interim, don’t hijack someone else’s thread, and read and follow the rules. It ain’t hard. But if you choose to wallow in self-pity, complain and self-victimize, ignore the rules, and generally be a pest, then don’t be surprised if the members point out you’re not a fit here and the mods ask you to move on. That’s happened too. (IIRC, it happened to you at Tuco’s/gunboards - remember?)

Follow the rules, relax, have fun, and learn and share among the membership. Again: it isn’t hard to do and most of the guys are pretty good fellows - online and in person - who love to talk Lugers.
John 8:32

reive (riːv) vb (Military) (intr) dialect Scot and Northern English to go on a plundering raid
[variant of reave]
ˈreiver n e.g., " Some view the Border Reivers as loveable rogues."
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