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Unread 02-20-2024, 01:19 PM   #8
klaus 3338
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This altered Reichsrevolver holster was converted from a former Reichsrevolver holster M/87 for the Revolver M/79 according the 1909 dated order „Anleitung zur Abänderung der Revolvertaschen zu Pistolentaschen für die Pistole 08“. The unit stamp means Fußartillerie- Regiment von Linger (Ostpreußisches) Nr. 1. I think the 2R is a 2.B. for 2. Batterie.
To understand all the different alterations of the former Reichsrevolver holsters to P08 holsters one must know and understand that there were 2 different orders dated 1909 and 1910 which described the alterations of the holsters from the „long“ and „short“ Reichsrevolvers as they were used in different shapes for different units like Cavalry and staff ordonnances, mounted field Artillerie and all other not mounted troups like Infantry, driving Field Artillery, Foot Artillery, Train and so on. These orders were obligatory for the 4 kingdoms Prussia, Bavaria, Saxon and Württemberg but were transposed in different ways because the Reichsrevolver holsters of the 4 kingdoms were different and Bavaria for example used in 1909 still same altered holsters of the M/69 Pistol (Werder) for the Reichsrevolver. So are a lot of different alterations existing.
I hope my explanation was a bit helpfull.
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