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Unread 02-24-2023, 12:55 AM   #8
Ron Wood
2010 LugerForum
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I like Western holsters for the Luger also. Having lived in the El Paso area on the Mexican border for many years, some of my Lugers probably have wandered back and forth over that border a time or two. I have two examples that came with western style holsters that most likely came up out of Mexico a long time ago.

The first one I picked up is an unusual 1914. It is one of the few 1914 dated Lugers in the 8000a-9400a serial number range (as documented by Jan Still) that do not have a stock lug and bear C/X C/X C/X acceptance stamps on the right receiver. It is serial number 8310a and almost certainly spent time in Mexico as evidenced by the Mexican Eagle crest set on both grips. There is no marking on the holster and it shows its age…but still neat.

The second one is also one I picked up a long time ago. It is a very early American Eagle, #2136, that came in a nifty flap top holster with decorative stamping. May have been made in Mexico, but it also could have come from a saddlery on this side of the border…it bears no maker mark but does have the number 174 stamped on the belt loop, and the fine stitching looks in the style of Sam Meyers or Fred Thacker from El Paso.

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ID:	86478  

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ID:	86479  

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Views:	382
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ID:	86480  

If it's made after's a reproduction
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