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Unread 12-07-2022, 10:39 PM   #1
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Default Kyber pass springs!

Hi to all! It's been a'while since my last venture, but recently, I felt that the challenge to make grip safety springs overwhelmed my common sense ability to let the project pass! So, I immeadiatly accepted two facts going forward, one, I know very little about spring making, and two, I've long ago forgotten all of what i did know! Perfect! Let's get started!
Grip safety spring, originals, are a bad design right from the get go! DWM machined them from bar stock and most have broke, or will break some time in the life of the luger, especially if you visit the range from time to time. I have found that modern spring steel, SAE 1075 or SAE 1095 annealed steel sheet will work nicely! The problem is to form/roll the little retaining knob on the spring end to anchor it into the frame. Ok, did that by drilling a # 40 hole in a steel bar, cutting a tail slot, and driving the folded end of the soon to be spring thru it. A rather crude but effective swage. Wow, that went well, so lets start with some SAE 1075 .040" thick. The spring turned out great!!!! Better than factory... only one problem, only KING KONG can work the grip safety!!!!! OK, lets try something else? I switched to .025" SAE 1095 and repeated all the privious operations, and I was afraid of a three bears experience, but no?? The spring turned out perfect! So, now we can add another facet to the GT hobbit workshop. But unfortunatly, I will probably forget how to make them anyway... Best to all,'r....GT...
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