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Unread 02-16-2022, 10:54 AM   #4
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Default lots to think about!

Hi EdinFlo, The quest for accuracy in a luger, as far as acceptable factory accuracy, starts with design parameters, as in what can reasonably be expected with the design, production methods and tolerances? So, before it ever gets tested, one or all, they know what to expect. Just for giggles and smiles, let's say inside 3" at 25 yards. And, this would be an outside limit parameter, can't get too accurate, so anything tighter is better. Now take an excellent shooter, average or above physically abilities, and make them the test shooter. I'll bet after a couple of thousand rounds, they can shoot well inside any of the reject limits, or outside parameters, set forth earlier? In fact, I viewed a war documentary where women were function and proof testing 1911A1's and it was incredible! I always thought 1 proof round test, and a mag for function, not hardly! They loaded and ran several mags thru the gun and if I remember some down range instead of a trap... I'm betting those women, who shot hundreds of thousands of rounds, could shoot the pants off most of the excellent shooters today... Now there is some evidence that the same was probably done with Lugers, as I believe the slight miss alignment of the index marks show additional adjustment... But alas, none left to tell the tale... we can only speculate... best to all,'r....GT
BTW, there are no unfired military guns!!! Some look that way, but they all got tested, some a lot, prior to issue!
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