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Unread 05-26-2020, 05:47 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by mrerick View Post
Is there a source for the information about Winchester's usage of specific powders in commercial loaded rounds?

I teach classes on reloading, and would like to incorporate such information.

This group has published a database of powder characteristics - for example:

They list only one OEM loading powder (a Remmington powder) and no Military powders for some reason.

Here's the sample detail on HP-38 ;

Here's Winchester 231:

It's a reasonably comprehensive powder characteristic database, and yet the powders listed are generally ones available commercially to reloaders. It's designed for forensic identification of powders found at a scene, so I wouldn't think they would limit it to just reloading powder (since we produce the vast minority of ammunition compared to OEM manufacture).

I'm trying to understand why Winchester would create a special powder just for their own internal usage, and yet it not be listed on this analysis database - which appears pretty comprehensive.

I have read that Winchester uses, what is commercially called, Power Pistol (an Alliant Powder) to load its regular NATO Spec ammunition. As stated above, it's probably delivered to them as a bulk type powder vs a commercial canister powder.

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