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Unread 03-18-2020, 10:59 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Yakman View Post
I'm going agree with Stucki's reply as being the most plausible. Had the frame been from a Navy with a stock lug and grip safety it would have been a long frame. This frame is short to fit the short 1915 receiver. I agree it's most likely Swiss modified with the grip safety added. The non-military Swiss barrel doesn't have to be proofed.

I'd like to see beneath the safety lever to see if it is now an up-safety with the lower area marked or polished.

The 1916/1917 navy frames were short; many long frames have been shortened over the years also.
Of course if the frame was modified by the Swiss by adding a grip safety it could just as easily be any P 08 type frame and not necessarily a Navy frame with original grip safety.

Close examination of the grip safety installation should discern whether it was added or not.
03man(Don Voigt); Luger student and collector.
Looking for DWM side plate: 69 ; Dreyse 1907 pistol K.S. Gendarmerie
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