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Unread 10-15-2019, 11:31 AM   #10
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I was never a fan of the 80% lower idea, or of the notion of "Build Parties" that seemed to be popular in areas of California, as judged by a few years that I visited the CalGuns forum in the distant past. IMHO, 80% Lower firearm = JUNK. It made me count my blessings living in AZ, and hoping that 'fornians moving here would leave their politics at the border and could assimilate into a Free State .

More than a few people on firearms forums seem to like to put their fingers in their ears and chant "LA-LA-LA" so they can't hear the truth. IMHO, it's about a political agenda embraced 100% by a certain Party as judged by recent "Debates".

Gun Control is not about taking guns from murderous fiends, it is actually about the Govt controlling the "People" to further it's agenda. Many pundits say "An armed Society, is a POLITE Society". Why, because it levels the field so that even an 80 yr old Grandma can defend herself against a gang of teenage rapists breaking into her home at midnight.

I won't be-labor the point beyond saying that a "Gun Free Zone" is a Killing Field waiting for the right Perfect Storm to brew. Mass-murderers don't go to Gun Shows. They don't go to Biker bars (unless it's a rival club, but then that's just part of the lifestyle ), … etc.

I tend to feel that mass shooters are basically suicidal. If they hate themselves, surely killing a couple dozen they perceive to be to blame is a cathartic build-up to their "Suicide By Cop". Surely a sane person does NOT expect to walk away and live at peace afterward. I do DARE say that statistics bear out that most mass shooters were being prescribed some sort of psychotropic drug when they acted.

Raising awareness about the precarious position firearms owners now find themselves currently, I feel is imperative. You will NOT get accurate info from any Main Stream Media outlet. Sharing info on Forums such as this one are key to "Average" folks having access to what's really going on so that they can make up their own minds regarding the politics of Gun Control.

Just as ALL WW II German soldiers weren't Nazis, all straight, white males aren't misogynist white supremacists today as many MSM pundits would have you believe from their editorials. Just hope that some ingenious member of the Brady Bunch doesn't seize on the idea that the "Luger" is universally recognized by some as the sidearm of choice for the portrayal of "NAZIS" as pointed out by "mrerick" above.

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