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Unread 07-16-2019, 04:44 PM   #4
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My 30 Luger handguns function fine with the Fiocchi factory IF I use the FMJ, and not the soft point ammo. I have been handloading this brass for many years, and have loaded a fair amount of the 85gr .308in. FMJ bullets, but am not pleased with the end results, as a whole.

I have had my best results with 92gr .311in. lead RN bullets, and 92gr .309in. FMJ bullets. I load them behind a full load of Unique Powder and apply a good crimp with a Lee factory crimp die. This combo works extremely well in all of my 7.65P caliber handguns.....not just my Lugers.

I have no idea what reloading components are available to you, so it is hard to recommend components that I have no history with.
Need DWM breechblock #21
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