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Unread 03-03-2019, 06:41 PM   #1
Military Engineer
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Default Removal of the stock lug?

Hi All,

I am new to the forum, so please bear with me on the location of this particular question. Please feel free to move it as necessary to the right one.

I own a 1918 Erfurht that has had the stock lug filed off. I got the pistol for very little, the numbers all match (exc the barrel, which has been replaced) and she is a great and accurate little shooter.

I thought the removal was just some hack that took a rough file to the lug, but I recently came across another one with the same thing done to it. The owner, and older gentleman, told me an interesting story about the 1918s that I'd like to ask you guys, greater experts than I.

He indicated that at the end of WW1, Germany was not permitted to own military arms and that the Luger, with the stock lug attached, qualified as a military arm because the lug allowed it to be made into a short barreled carbine, for lack of a better word.

In order for them to be "demilled" and permitted for use by the police and border patrols, the lug was required to be removed and it was done to thousands of them.

Can anyone verify the veracity of the claim? Be great if I can claim that as part of the history of the pistol.
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