Thread: FAKE K dates
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Unread 06-14-2002, 03:20 PM   #1
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Thumbs down FAKE K dates

Recently a man in my area showed me a K date he had just purchased. After buying Still's book to research it---he suspected it was fake. Yep it is a fake and a poor one at that. It has E 63 proofs, Chamber is dished where original date removed, the K is wrong style(not footed), numbers rematched, even the mag release is numbered on right side. Rust blue is greyish color. This past week I observed another of the same fakes for sale at a show in this area. I put the two owners of the fakes together and they determined that they had both purchased them from same man. A man approached them at a gunshow with a Luger for sale. He had in hand a blue book with K date and prices marked and said he didn't want near the book prices for it. Both paid in the $700 range for the fakes. I am well acquainted with the first purchaser. He was fortunate that had obtained the name and town address of the seller for his records. Neither owner of the fakes seem to plan any recourse other than to pass the word. So I am assisting them via this message. I believe that I know the name and location of the seller of these fakes. Not a name that I am familier with in the world of Lugers. The sales occured in Illinois. Anyone else know of any of these fakes?
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