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Unread 09-23-2017, 09:46 PM   #11
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Default barrel ramp.....

Hi guys, actually, I am in agreement with both of the notes by Don and Rick... I think that from a one time practical sense, just about any ramp will do, and it is amazing how close one can come by eye to the correct final angle?... But, I would not be telling the truth if I didn't say that it bothers me more than just a little to see the ramp extend deeper and deeper into the chamber proper as we break edges, throat chamber mouths, and so forth?... On the first range shot, I always inspect the brass for ANY signs of pressure or deformation as a result of possible incorrect chamber dimensions, or relief cuts?... So far so good!
But, I always look down from the top of the barrel to INSURE that the feed ramp does NOT exceed the depth of the extractor cut, actually, I like to see it some what shy of the extractor relief cut... although I also agree, the brass is pretty tolerant of this unsupported area in question?... Thanks to you both for your input, great stuff this Luger puzzle... Best to all,'r....GT...
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