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Unread 06-14-2017, 10:23 AM   #25
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Here is the Broken parts list from the FAQ,
thanks 4square for reminding me where it is:

What parts tend to break on
a Luger? (Broken Parts
Those of us who shoot our Lugers are alert to
the possibility of breaking the occasional part
on these 60- to 100-year-old guns. Those of
us who collect as well know how much a
broken/replaced part can reduce the value of
our guns.
But, what parts are likely to break in use? This
brief survey was taken in the fall of 2002 to
try to determine a pattern of potential parts
breakage. The intent was to identify parts
which break as a result of shooting, but a
couple other noteworthy results cropped up.
Lugers are a robust, sturdy pistol, designed to
use ammunition more powerful than that
found commercially, at least in the U.S.
Although they are finely crafted (and
considerably hand-fitted) machines, they are
in no way 'fragile'. They are great fun to
shoot, and incredibly accurate. Over the
course of 60-100 years, however, metal can
become fatigued, crystallized, parts can
develop microscopic cracks. Care should be
taken for one's personal safety, as well as for
maintaining the value of our Lugers.
--Dwight Gruber
There were 19 respondents to the
survey, although by the nature of the
answers this represents more actual
pistols than this number.
1. Ejector** 11
2. Take-down spring 7
3. Extractor* 6
4. Grip screw** 3
5. Breech-block* 2
6. Rear toggle piece* 2
7. Hold-open spring 2
8. Firing pin* 2
9. Grip safety spring 1
10. Rear toggle axle pin*** 1
11. Trigger lever pin 1
12. Hold-open* 1
13. Upper receiver* 1
14. Recoil spring, flat 1

* serial numbered part
** proof stamped on Erfurts and most

I do believe this list speaks volumes about the question posed.
03man(Don Voigt); Luger student and collector.
Looking for DWM side plate: 69 ; Dreyse 1907 pistol K.S. Gendarmerie
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