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Unread 03-22-2017, 08:12 PM   #115
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Default An Appreciation of Quality

Jerry, Guys,

Yes, the Swiss (my ancestors) are often problem solvers in the end, except for one: cost.

But you stopped me in my tracks with your second sentence, and when you mentioned "an appreciation of quality". I think it's slipping away from us, as a people. This is often a subject of discussion among my middle aged gun collector friends, who wonder what will happen to the accumulated treasures of our lifetimes? We go to the big gun shows, see what is displayed, what is selling, and the average age of the people passing through. It is changing and tastes are changing.

This is the era of the plastic gun. They work great. They are very reliable. They go bang and they make big holes.

But they aren't Luger quality and art.

Those of us who discuss this fear that, when we are ready to let go of some of it, there will be few to take over and preserve and appreciate what we enjoy so much.

I'm not making any judgments about this, but I am observing and wondering what it means?

I suspect some, or maybe many of you, feel the same.

For now, I enjoy, appreciate, and wonder where we are going. The world has changed so much for the better in so many ways. But regarding gun collecting? I don't know. Things ain't the same. But last November's election was a big plus for us, and at least a short term reprieve for this hobby.
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