Thread: Advice Needed
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Unread 11-18-2015, 10:32 AM   #44
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Forgive me if I missed it, but did you Polish the chamber?

STove pipe nearly always means the bolt did not retract all the way, so your ammo may still be the problem. Give us a list of what you have used.

Pushing up on the magazine is not a good idea IMO, let it rest/hang on the notch and mag catch.
Pushing or holding up can raise it too much and put extra pressure on the bottom of the bolt when it retracts-slowing it down.

Does the receiver assembly move smoothly in the frame by hand without the recoil spring engaged? It should.

I believe you said in a post that if you load one round, the toggle will latch open on an empty magazine, correct? If so, then the ammo seems ok or at worst marginal

Sometimes the lips of the mag may need polishing or the outside ears may be contacting the frame and need shaping/polishing--But this is probably not your problem as you have the same problem with two mags of very different vintage.

NEXT time shooting, take your camera. When the pistol jams, stove pipes, or fails to load, take pictures of the position of the shell/cartridge before you clear it. You may need help for this and a helpful range officer; do be careful- best to have a friend hold the camera and take the pictures while you have the pistol under control.
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