Originally Posted by hayhugh
John you state "My only caution is that you should NOT attach a shoulder stock, as that would be illegal as a Short Barreled Rifle (SBR) (since the barrel is under 16 inches)... unless you pre-register the gun with the BATFE and pay the $200 tax stamp in advance for making an SBR ...
As long as I don't attach the shoulder board, it is legal to shoot? I have a 9mm 12" barrel that I have attached to a lower that I also attach a receiver for a .22 cal and a 30 luger receiver to. Will attach my set-up:
Perfectly legal to shoot this gun as a
pistol, regardless of caliber or the barrel length. You tempt the federal law enforcers if you should "create" or "make" a SBR that is not registered. That would be a violation of the National Firearms Act of 1934, UNLESS you have paid the $200 tax.
You have something that is fairly unique.
If it were mine, I would pay the tax, obtain a period and appropriate shoulder stock and increase it's uniqueness... Enjoy!