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Unread 07-30-2002, 04:48 PM   #15
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[quote]Originally posted by Big Norm:
<strong>Thanks Kyrie. I hope that others enjoyed your post as much as I did

Hi Big Norm!

Thank you, sir, for your very kind words!

I suspect you are aware that the C96 is one of my passions. And it too is one of those pistols that is so ugly itâ??s down right beautiful.

As an aside, and on the subject of pistol balance, I used a C96 to teach a fellow how to â??point shoot.â? It took him about thirty seconds to pick up on the technique. He quickly became bored performing center-of-mass shots and went to making head shots (all this without bother to use the sights). He went through about five hundred rounds of ammo while I watched, and I donâ??t recall he ever missed. The problem with the C96 is not that it is poorly balanced, but rather it has type of balance to which we are unaccustomed. Once used to the way a C96 handles, it points as well as any firearm - including the Luger.

And no, I donâ??t expect this post to make any converts as to the way a C96 handles. But give me an afternoon at the range and I may change minds :-)

Warm regards,

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