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Unread 07-30-2002, 02:32 AM   #10
Big Norm
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Thanks Kyrie. I hope that others enjoyed your post as much as I did. I tried to avoid the term 'parabellum' because I was not sure that it was used before the 1904 navy. I didn't know if the Swiss used the same term in their earlier adoption of the Luger. Then after reading "The Luger Book" by Walter I thought that maybe, just maybe, there may have been some hanky panky between Loewe and DWM to eliminate or bypass Borchardt. And that may have also been a contributary factor in getting Borchardt mad enough to walk away.
I have showed my 1893 DWM to a number of people now and we all agree that the gun in real life is not as heavy as one would think from looking at pictures. It is a bit awkward in comparision to a P08 but not that bad either. Personally, I think that it is so ugly that it is beautiful. Certainly it seems lighter and better balanced than a C96. But the C96 had other things going in its favor.
But thanks again for your post
Big Norm
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