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Unread 05-05-2002, 04:59 PM   #4
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Default Re: 2nd. 1915 Erfurt Artillery 4 Sale...

There are a number of ways one check the authenticity of such a gun. The interesting point is that the ad states that the receiver parts mach which would include the barrel, the receiver and the toggle, all of which should have the usual proliferation of Erfurt inspectors stamps. The lack of the site fine tune is strange however. Jan C Still's excellent book on Imperial Lugers will give you all the information you need to verify the gun.

I recently failed to bid on an obviously built up 1915 Erfurt P08 long which was passed in at NZ$500 which is about US$220.00. It had a reserve of NZ$550. I realised later that I could'nt buy the parts for that.

Go for It. It will still make an interesting shooter!
