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Unread 05-01-2002, 09:08 PM   #10
Art Buchanan
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Default Re: New to lugers...a few questions please

Tim---I suggest you subscribe to Simpson Ltd List, Shattucks List, watch gunbroker, watch auction arms and subscribe to other lists advertised such as Rayjack. This will give you an idea what is on the market. Just because a Luger is advertised at a certain price---doesn't necessarily mean that it will sell for that price. When you find a Luger advertised or at a gun show that is equal to what you see on lists but at a lower price---then you are probably finding a reasonable buy. I have been collecting Lugers for more than 40 years. I have some of Shattucks lists and others back to early 1960s. Down through the years I have followed a particular Luger on someones list for as much as a year or two which finally sold at advertised price. Do not be afraid to make offers. I have found that the best buys on Lugers are not usually from a Luger Dealer. I have found best buys from individuals or dealer who specializes in something else and happens to have one or two Lugers. As others have probably told you get a book and study. When you look at a Luger with thought of buying---don't pay much attention to what the dealer tells you that it is---you look at it and decide what you believe it is based on your research and study of the market. I doubt that you are going to get any rare Lugers at a steal price from the big boys. No matter what you pay for your first or 20th Luger someone is going to tell you that they saw one like it or bought one cheaper and in better condition. Study---then don't be afraid to trust your own judgement. Welcome to Lugers and enjoy!