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Unread 04-22-2014, 01:38 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by GySgt1811 View Post
Great idea. But...a mighty big but...I'm right handed but have a left dominant eye. At 69 years old I can't focus for poop. Should I
"patch" the left dominant and shoot left handed - awkward - or scrunch my head around and shoot left eye/right handed - REALLY awkward - or patch the right non-dominant eye and shoot what feels correct?

What say you, noble experts?

Gunny John

PS. Back in the day, I shot right hand/fight eye and nailed expert every time both pistol and rifle. Now, the target has to be barn sized with flashing neon arrows pointing to center of the barn door...

I am in the same boat, right-handed, left eye dominant. If I shoot without an aperture I shoot left-eye, so I figured it was best to keep that practice. So, I wear an aperture over my left when using one.

Not sure if you do any self-defense type shooting/practice but it sure seems you would want to shoot dominant eye then. If you had to defend yourself there would likely not be time to use an aperture, and my gut feel is the more consistency the better.

... I remember back in the day" as well. I could shoot my 44 standing and smack gallon jugs at 100 yards all day. No aperture necessary (but the 8 3/8" barrel helped). I have to admit that back then I shot probably 3x/week. I did take a few 100 yard shots the other day, same revolver, with an aperture and while not a group to be proud of they were on the paper.
A little tougher shooting the Luger though

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