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Unread 04-24-2002, 12:33 PM   #7
Posts: n/a
Default Re: is it unethical to...

Tom, very good points and it just further AMPLIFIES my points. You can't be any closer to the root of all the Luger debates on this forum. The point being that the Golden Rule of Luger Collecting is the Guy with the GOLD RULES. It just isn't so. For many, it's only a manner of dollars! That is why it is so great to see the "newbie" (I still hate that term), unspoiled by all the deciet, inhearant it seems, in this hobby. Lugers are ripe for this due to their popularity, complexity, and value. It's not what you own, but rather what you are willing to share. It's not having all you want, but rather wanting all you have. It was really neat yesterday to see the posting by Lars, a hard working young man, willing to work hard to get what he wants, and being happy to be able to! It has been said that I should not buy the Lugers I do, if I can't afford them. Well the reality is that there have been (thank God) a few very good dealers, who have not forgotten what it is like to be a collector, who have gone out of their way to help me get some of those Lugers. I will gladly share those names with other collectors anytime. But I refuse to stand by and let a young gentleman like Lars, be taken advantage of, just so he can learn all the lessons I have had to learn the hard way. Am I a saint? Far from it! But, I am just an honest, collector, who can see the writting on the Forum Wall. If this "hobby" is reduced to mere dollars and cents than it becomes no more than a business. I don't for one minute buy that. Why do I stay here? It's guys like Lars who are here to learn and most of the guys on the forum who are here to teach, unselfishly, without regard to how much they can gain from the person posting. And yes, I do believe it is wrong to take someone into your confidence, just to make a BUCK!

That's All,
