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Unread 04-22-2002, 03:46 PM   #14
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Default I'm going through this RIGHT now...

My Father in Law passed away, I am sitting in Houston as I type this. We got back from his funeral an hour ago and I needed to relax away from the others, ;>)

So, this last week, I have been to his house and going through his things.

He was a Major, US Army, 3 time Vietnam Vet, flew helicopters, retired after 20 years, flew medivac and saved a lot of lives.

He was a good man and a good Texan.

I am proud to have known him. My sister and I have divided up a nice Colt collection, but I would rather have tossed it in the trash, if he could be sitting next to me.

He was wrote out values, had items marked, etc., but nothing in the will stated who should get what. The excutor could have said, this and this, but he is a good man (his son) and there have been no problems, but it would have been easy for some to fight over mementos and such. But he raised his kids well.

Sorry for the long story, but he was a good soldier and one I would have served under willingly, I have met and gotten e-mails saying they would have gone to hell and back at a nod from him.

Make a will, tell what the guns are, and the story. One bring back gun he had was cool to me, and I found it compelling to keep. Then I just happened to found out his best friend gave it to him and had picked it up himself in Vietna.

I gave it back to him, it was his and he deserved it. But imagine what could have happened to those that wanted everything or wanted to fight over it.

Even tho he wrote out a lot, I don't know the story of some items, and what it meant to him.

Edward Tinker