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Unread 04-21-2002, 04:03 PM   #1
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Default Luger Lottery & Firearm Surety Plan(Long)

Been thinking, I know, not good for me but I can't help it sometimes. Here's the deal. The problem inevitably comes up what to do with our guns when we are no longer here. I've accumlated about 35 which no one here will have much interest in when I go on to the great beyond (been there once & was brought back, it does happen),granted, my stuff isn't near as good as most of your stuff but there are some nice guns there. I don't want to burden my family with sorting out the helmets, pistols, bayonets, rifles, ect., but I know that there are many of you who would love to get into it as I would your stuff. And I hate to think of this stuff ending up in a yard sale where we know it can go, or to the local pawn shop where they pay .10 on the dollar. In Vietnam when we had a bad day and people got medevaced out the custom was to divide up their stuff between the fellow squad members based on drawing cards. Not personal stuff, but rucksack, canteens, magazines, socks, **** books ect. We should start an organization in which members pay a set monthly amount so that when a comrade departs a drawing is held to see who gets the departed's stuff. Those items not of a family or personal nature would be purchased by the organization for a reasonable amount from the bank account. A drawing held between members, and the winner works out the details to get the remaining items. I know I don't want to burden my family with what to do with all this stuff, and I don't think any of you would either. Say, $25 a month for a year is $275 yearly times 20 members is $5500 per year. My stuff is worth about $15,000. Would it be worth $25 a month? There would have to be a pay out limit though. What do ya'll think? I'll even volunteer to open the account and hold the money.


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