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Unread 09-30-2013, 09:44 AM   #2
John Sabato
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Hi Eric... Good Question... To the best of my knowledge, The current version of the Lugerforum software was originally implemented on June 4th, 2002. The forum however, existed in different forms and at different locations prior to that date.

I have been a member of the forum since the early days of the Internet... probably found it about 1994. As I recall, the forum was hosted on a "free" discussion server that was based in Taiwan at the time... It only allowed one page of discussion, and once the posts scrolled off the screen they were lost forever! So if you didn't check in at least once a day you missed all the information and discussion for that day. I am glad it isn't the old days anymore.
There were originally only about 30 members in the days of the Taiwan server...

The "oldest" members I can remember reliably from 1998 or before include Ed Tinker, Ted Green (Thor), Frank Manders, Patrick Villiers, Bill Stanley, Hugh Clark, Gerry Tomek (G.T.), John D., Larry, Jerry Burney (Lugerholsterrepair), Les Center (Dok), Kyrie, Steve Richards, RET, Luke Smithwick (Luke), Tom Heller (Lugerdoc), Herb, Leo Lavelle, Dwight Gruber, Jan Stills, Big Norm (Tople), Wes Terrell, PoliceLuger, Heinz, Doubs, Leon DeSpain, Gerben Van Vlimmeren, Kidvett, Pete Ebbink, George Anderson, Jay Newman, Murray Willis, Ron WOOD, Albert Beliard, Russ Withem, Ron Smith, and The Gunman (Richie)...

Those precious members that we have lost since the early days are many...Tom Armstrong (Navy), Bill Munis (Mauser Luger), Bob Spitzer (Schwob), Viggo Dereng, Orv Reichert, Ralph Shattuck, Joachim Goertz, and I am sure there are others...just to name a few. (Rest in Peace old friends)...

Forgive me if I have overlooked any of the old timers... this old mind isn't as sharp as it used to be...
The Lugerforum has grown from a small group of gun enthusiasts with an interest in Lugers... to an internationally known website that has a reputation for quality, and accurate information. As of today, there have been 10,958 members who registered on this forum... No telling how many only checked in once...
regards, -John S

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