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Unread 04-10-2002, 06:02 PM   #3
Brandon Metcalf
Posts: n/a
Default Is it really so hard to just say GEORG Luger &g</strong>
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Man I get sooooooo MAD when these So called know it alls

Get Georg Luger's name wrong! I was in Books A Million the other day taking a glance through the WWII history books

and I picked up this Book I forget the title but it gave a little info about weapons and such, So I thumbed over to Luger and it said "this pistol was invinted by George Luger" I red that far and closed the book and quietly placed it back on the shelf (allthough Enraged). Next time this person writes a book I wish he'd do his homework!

Anybody else feel this way?

............ Brandon