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Unread 03-18-2001, 08:12 PM   #13
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Gruss Gott,Ted!

I don't know just when AZ went with

the CCW "must issue" law,but I've had

my "permit" for about a year and a half.

I shouldn't need it!There's such a thing called the Second Ammendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.As I've read on several occasions,if you have to obtain a permit

to excercise a "right",it has ceased to

be a Right and is now considered a "privelage"(dependent upon the permission of those in power).As such,

the "privelage" may at any time be revoked by those same "Powers That Be".

What we are actually doing(myself included!!) is voluntarily regestering

ourselves as gun owners with the Gov't!

Whose doors do you and I know they will come to first as soon as "Chucky Schumer

and Billary Clinton" find a way to ram

their "Stop gun violence"(by disarming

law-abiding citizens) program through

a government run by those affluent enough to be able to afford armed bodyguards,or if they can't(or won't

out of their own pockets!) will have

them provided by the state(meaning us,

of course!) at no expense.We will be the ones to hear that knock or the battering

ram dislodging the door from its hinges!

Sorry for the political tirade!I've

always been told to stay out of dicussions about both politics & religion.Forgive my failure to heed those wise warnings!

In response I should have only said -

I LOVE LUGERS and the RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS!Enough(more than) said.

Anyway,I'm glad to hear that NM has

in a way decided or may decide to uphold the US Constitution even if it isn't PC

these days!I hope all goes well!!!

Tschuss! Mark

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