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Unread 07-12-2013, 11:05 AM   #1
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Default Websites!!!!!!!!!!!!

As most know, I did sell my Police Captain's tunic and I have replace it with this:

I had a bare male torso just standing there and I needed to get it covered. If it was a female torso, there would have been no hurry.

It's an NCO Ulan tunic of the Kaiser Alexander III Uhlan Regt. The uniform is complete, including walking out dress hat, dress belt and riding breeches and Rabbat. I could have got the boots too and I still might later.

It has loops for an Iron Cross 1st Class and two to three ribbon/medals. The Iron Cross was no problem but getting the right medals for early WWI was a different story. I've spent long hours trying to find the right pair/trio and until last night, I was striking out until I finally came across two sites both located in Germany. I remember doing business with one when I was working in Germany. One site you have to sign up to see all the items, especially the Nazi period but no worry about doing that, both sites are up and up.

There are some real nice items on both sites or anyone interested in acquiring accoutrements.

Both sites are worth bookmarking....IMO

One last bit of info: Small problem with Customs.
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