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Unread 07-01-2013, 08:28 AM   #11
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Are you sure you live in Australia and not the State of Illinois. All those control laws I pretty much have also and with the recent revelations here in Yankland, our National Security Agency, knows all, sees all, controls all, throughout the Kingdom of OZ.

Originally Posted by remerus View Post
The laws are pretty heavily regulated here in Australia. For example your firearm serial number have to be registered to a government database so they know where they are, know who has them & where they are kept. Did I mention they are registered to you personally so just having a mate pop over and buy one of your pieces of you and taking it home is a big no no you have to transfer all firearms through a dealer ( more paper work & money ).

Then there is the licencing bit... you have to be licensed in the particular category that you want to possess i.e

H category which is a target shooters licence, Which incidentally restricts you to not larger caliber than .38 and also restricts you to revolvers of no less than 100 mm barrel length and semi auto of no less 120 mm barrel length.

A side note to the above license category is that we have what the Gov like to call "Genuine reason" which means when applying for any firearms licence you need to satisfy this requirement so If you have say a H category target shooter licence that will be your genuine reason. but here is the twist you can only apply for a license if you are a financial member of a Pistol shooters club which the club verifies with the fire arms registry before issuing your licence. you must maintain financial member ship of your nominated club or your genuine reason diminishes thus rendering your licence invalid which leads to the police coming and seizing your firearms.

G category which is a collectors licence or permit rather which allows the licensee to have in their possession only and not to shoot or possess ammo for the firearms on your collectors ticket.

Safe Storage. though i'd add the information regarding this for you to read if you interested.

So yes it is quite a hoop jumping event but is something we have to do in these parts. One word of advice to you all in USA Don't let your Government do this to you.

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